i dunno why but i hate people who invade my privacy ...i hate people who act as if they knew my freakin private life n my daily routine.not only dat, they "ka yim n kay chou'to their opinion so dat it sounds interesting...this particular asshole(if dat crap manage to read my blog, he would definitely know is him although i nvr confront him because of this matter)...dat punani told the teacher everything he judged n act as if he know about me...said my mum pushed me too much this n dat...say i damn smart bcos of this...wat the fuck, man?...u say all these doesn;t mean ur stupid mum will be like my mum or gonna changed...n by saying all these shits they wouldn't make why bother bout me?...just go play far far n share ur stupid thoughts within ur own balls...o yea btw mate...if u just managed to read this post ,it is time for u to realise dat not every1 is too fancy of u n ur constant interruption whilst ppl r chatting..hmm.u better changed now b4 every1 estranged u like u r some kind of ugly-looking alien