Friday, October 05, 2007


no offense, every religion advocate their respective followers to abide certain teachings, virtues or "proper techiniques" to perform prayers. some of the religion's philosophy makes sense but some hardly does. is satanism are some of the philosophy which i agreed

-You cannot love everyone; it is ridiculous to think you can. If you love everyone and everything you lose your natural powers of selection and wind up being a pretty poor judge of character and quality. If anything is used too freely it loses its true meaning. You should love strongly and completely those who deserve your love, but never turn the other cheek to your enemy.

-Prayer is useless; it distracts people from useful activity. (somehow, i agreed but is fun to pray's a way of socialising)

-Suicide is actively discouraged.

-Each person is their own redeemer, fully responsible for the direction of their own life.

- The nine Satanic sins are: Stupidity, pretentiousness, solipsism, self-deceit, herd conformity, lack of perspective, forgetfulness of past orthodoxies, counterproductive pride, and lack of aesthetics.

often, the ways of performing prayers for any religion is peculiar but that's the way it is..however, satan followers have to perform rituals. i m totally baffled

Magic rituals consist of three types:
Lust ritual: sex magic which includes masturbation,
Compassion ritual to achieve healing or happiness, and
Destruction ritual (may include sticking pins in a doll; drawing a picture or writing a description of the victim's death; delivering a soliloquy, etc.). Destruction rituals are best performed by a group. If a person targeted by a destruction ritual is not deserving of it, the ritual will not harm them.

that's all for now. we must have our judgement in everything.
