Wednesday, May 14, 2008


from now onwards, i m gonna dedicate my blog to write about what i have observed in my daily life.
some may be true but some may be hogwash.
i m gonna explain about naps.
yesterday, i took a nap for 3 hours.
i was hoping that i would regain my energy and feel less tired.
instead, i had a bad headache and the next day was a business test. (such coincidence)
it was not my first time experiencing terrible headaches and uncomfort after long naps.
taking naps more than 3 hours seem to have reverse effect on your biological system.
in my opinion, the mind and body will assume that it is really your normal bed time.
hence, what happened if you only sleep 3 hours at night?
certainly, you will feel lethargic.
i dunno if my explanation is correct or not